Hello there! Well that's flown by and what a learning curve it's been running the business since Chris left for London. I've had a few...

Business Update *MAJOR*
As some of you may know, I (Chris) will be starting an exciting new job in September and moving down to London. Sadly, I won't have the...

More Gift Boxes and New Shampoo Bars?
With the recent introduction of our new natural bath bombs, I've been working hard to find a suitable way to offer them in a gift box....

Bath Bombs!!! (and more!)
A little update on the introduction of our new bath bombs and how much of a struggle they were to get right!

Christmas Is Here! (What?)
No you are not seeing things, I really did say Christmas is here... Tomorrow marks the first officially dubbed "Christmas Market" that...

Christmas Approaches!
Some people begin to prepare for Christmas at crazy times of the year. I must admit, when it comes to my personal shopping for gifts, I...

An Important Update
It's been a while since the last blog update, so I think it's important to have a quick summary of what's happened since then! The past...

March - April Update!
It has been a (relatively) quiet month since the last blog post, but I'm currently struggling to find the time to keep this up to date!...

Appearing in Local News and More
This blog post is coming a little later than expected! March has proven to be an exciting month so far - a lot has happened so let's try...

A Lot Happens in a Month!
A lot has happened since our last blog entry! Let's try to summarise.. We've doubled up on production, which means double the bars of...